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10 Tell-Tale Signs Your Spouse Is Considering Divorce

Most marriages don’t just suddenly go south. Usually, there are plenty of red flags and warning signs along the way. But if you’re not paying attention, you might miss them. Based on our experience at Varghese Summersett Family Law Group, here are 10 tell-tale signs your spouse is considering divorce.

Sign #1. Emotionally Withdrawn and Distant.

Withdrawing emotionally and generally appearing distant could be signs your spouse is considering divorce. Avoiding affection, disengaging from conversations, and opting out of activities you used to enjoy together are all red flags. These are often some of the first signs that something is wrong in the marriage.

Sign #2. Overly Critical of You.

If your spouse starts to nitpick everything you do, it may be a sign he or she is unhappy and considering divorce. If your spouse is constantly finding fault or flaws with your appearance, housekeeping, or parenting skills, it could be a sign he or she is resentful and angry. Degrading you is a way to justify thoughts of divorce.

Sign #3. Sudden Change in Appearance.

If your spouse suddenly starts paying more attention to his or her appearance, it could be a sign they want to start a new chapter. If your spouse begins working out, dressing nicer, or getting cosmetic surgery, it may mean he or she is trying to look good for someone else.

working out a sign of divorce 

Sign #4. No Sex.

If your sex life has come to a screeching halt, it may be a sign that your spouse is unhappy and the marriage is in trouble. There could be underlying issues, including physical or health-related problems. However, lack of physical intimacy (or physical attraction) can also mean the spark is gone, which leads to isolation and loneliness.

Sign #5. Stopped Asking about Your Day.

Couples who are considering divorce often stop caring about each other’s lives. If your spouse used to ask about your day but now doesn’t seem interested, it could be a sign he or she has checked out of the marriage. A spouse who doesn’t care about your day-to-day experiences doesn’t feel invested in your life.

Sign #6 Secretive.

If your partner starts being secretive and hiding things from you, it may be a sign your spouse considering divorce. If your spouse starts keeping secrets, such as a new email account you don’t know about, a new cell phone, social media messages that are deleted, or credit card statements, it may be a sign that he or she is planning to leave the marriage.

deleting messages a precursor to divorce?


Sign #7 Working Late…or Not at All.

If your spouse starts working late nights or weekends, it may be a sign that he or she is unhappy in the marriage. If your spouse suddenly starts taking more business trips or working longer hours, it may be a sign that he or she is looking for an escape. Remember: happy, committed couples like to spend time together.

Sign #8 Increased Drinking, Drug Use, Gambling, or other Risky Behaviors.

Drinking heavily, using drugs, gambling excessively, or engaging in other risky behaviors are sometimes signs your spouse is considering divorce. It may signal that he or she is he or she is trying to cope with the stress of an unhappy marriage.

Sign #9 Refuses to Compromise.

If your spouse becomes rigid and refuses to budge on important issues, it may be a sign that he or she is no longer willing to work on the marriage. If your spouse is unwilling to compromise, it may be a sign that divorce is inevitable.

Sign #10. Talks about Divorce.

If your spouse starts talking about divorce, it’s a pretty good sign that he or she is considering it. If they bring it up in casual conversation, or if they start talking about how the two of you aren’t compatible anymore and asks you questions about what you would do if the two of you were to get divorced, it’s time to pay attention.

Recognize Signs Your Spouse Is Considering Divorce?

These are some of the more common signs your spouse is considering divorce, but it’s certainly not an exhaustive list. If you recognize any of these signs, however, there’s a good chance something bigger is going on. Try to talk to your spouse about what’s bothering him or her and see if you can resolve the issue.

If it looks like divorce is on the horizon, we encourage you to contact Varghese Summersett Family Law Group. We will walk you through the process and help you make the best decisions for your future. Contact us today at 817-900-3220 to schedule a consultation.

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